aspiring flourishing loving


In this section you will find Homework tasks and guides according to year group on how you can help your children at home.




Basic skills


Basic Skills



10 mins 5x per week with an adult

Spelling list sent home weekly

Words to practice weekly in reading diary

Daily practice of number skills

Maths game fortnightly




10 mins 5x per week with an adult

Spelling list sent home weekly

Spelling Log sent home for daily practice

Daily practice of number skills

Daily times tables practice and sheet




Reading -

10 minutes x 5 Where possible with an adult

Spelling list sent home weekly

Spelling Log sent home for daily practice

Daily practice of number skills

Daily times tables practice and sheet




Reading -

10 minutes x 5 Where possible with an adult

Spelling list sent home weekly

Spelling Log sent home for daily practice

Daily practice of number skills

Daily times tables practice and sheet




Reading -

10 minutes x 5

Parents are requested to hear their child ‘performance read aloud’ on a regular basis as a standalone skill.

Spelling list sent home weekly

Spelling Log sent home for daily practice

Fortnightly additional work to support basic skills


Daily practice of number skills

Daily times tables practice and sheet

Fortnightly additional work to support basic skills


Learning Log (project work) once each term


Reading -

10 minutes x 5

Parents are requested to hear their child ‘performance read aloud’ on a regular basis as a standalone skill.

Spelling list sent home weekly

Spelling Log sent home for daily practice

Fortnightly additional work to support basic skills


Daily practice of number skills

Daily times tables practice and sheet Fortnightly additional work to support basic skills


Learning Log (project work) once each term


Homework may include work necessary to prepare the children effectively for SATs

Our homework policy is available by clicking here.

Supporting your child at home - Foundation Stage

Supporting your child at home - Key Stage 1

Supporting your child at home - Key Stage 2 - Years 3 and 4

Supporting your child at home - Key Stage 2 - Years 5 and 6