aspiring flourishing loving

Inclusion and Support

Parents and carers may wish to contact someone at school to discuss any concerns and issues or for support and advice.

Class Teachers

If you have any concerns, want to ask about anything, or need to share information, we do ask that parents speak to their child's class teacher in the first instance.

You can often speak to teachers at the end of the day, make an appointment via the school office or email them using the address that is provided to parents on weekly update letters.

Mrs Spencer - SENDco and Inclusion and Well Being Lead

Mrs Spencer is our dedicated SENDco and Inclusion and Well-Being Lead. She works on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. You can contact Mrs Spencer by calling the school or by email: cspencer@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk

School Office

You can contact the school office if you have any queries or concerns and they can provide help or put you in touch with a member of staff who may be able to support you. You can contact the office on 01765 602355 or by email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk


Inclusion Quality Mark

In July 2022 the school was assessed for the Inclusion School Award.

Our report highlighted many strengths of Ripon Cathedral School. 

The Leaders of Ripon Cathedral School are passionate about ensuing inclusion is at the heart of all their work.

The school vision is well communicated and lived in a very genuine sense. The school is at the heart of the community they serve.

The teachers promote inclusion. The structure of support for all pupils has been carefully planned and those children needing additional support benefit from staff who are well attuned to their needs.

 A warm welcome is extended to all visitors and families. Parents talk about feeling supported and valued, relationships between home and school are strong and supportive.

The staff and all adults in school live the vision wholeheartedly, ensuring the vision is genuine in its intent and is lived out in the daily experience within the school. Support for staff and pupil wellbeing is clearly an integral part of the school ethos.

The school ensures they identify and address any barriers to learning from the start of a pupil’s learning journey.

The leaders have high expectations of themselves and all staff. This ensures the best possible outcomes for every pupil.

The school has developed a curriculum that is broad and balanced, the five curriculum pillars drive the curriculum and ensure that children encounter learning experiences that help them to think, explore and apply their learning and knowledge in the world in which they live.

The leaders place high levels of importance on developing cultural capital and include visits and experiences that children will enjoy, learn from and remember. The children learn about their community and beyond through practical lessons and carefully planned and responsive teaching.

 The children are keen to share their learning. They are proud of their school and of their own progress. They celebrate the success of each other and know that everyone is different and sometimes learn in different ways.

The children learn they have the biggest role of anyone in making progress and this is learned through the school’s collective approach to growth mindset. In the Early Years, the children talk about characters such as the Go for It Gorilla and the Slinky Linky Snake. From Year 2, children begin collecting the growth points, which they enjoy. They are able to talk about what growth mindset means to them. One said, “it’s about being positive and looking for the good things.”

 The SLT and all staff foster strong relationships with families and the whole community. It is in this deliberate practice that the children see themselves as well cared for and develop a strong sense of belonging.

 The school website evidences a school that is very transparent in all its work. The website informs, celebrates, and explains their vision and how they aim to live that vision in their day-to-day practice.

 The school makes certain that the children see themselves as part of the wider world and because of this, children know they can be agents of change and look to make a positive difference in the world.

 Parents are grateful that staff not only identify any concerns but do something about them. They recognise that staff are sensitive when sharing concerns and do all they can to help families.