aspiring flourishing loving



(Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Church Schools)

In a similar way to Ofsted, all Church of England schools are inspected regularly to evaluate the key question: ‘How effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling all pupils and adults to flourish?’

We received an overall grade of Excellent, and were also judged to be excellent in the effectiveness of our religious education (RE) and the impact of collective worship. The framework currently used by inspectors has made it far more challenging for schools to achieve this highest grade, so we are very proud that many aspects of our church school have been recognised as inspirational and exceptional.

Please click here to view the SIAMS inspection report from March 2022

The school’s deeply embedded vision of aspiring, flourishing and loving for all underpins decision-making at every level. It makes a transformational impact on the wellbeing of staff, pupils and their families, including the most vulnerable members of the school community.

Pupils at this school are agents for change.

The well-balanced teaching and learning in RE is excellent. The curriculum is made memorable for pupils, who can recall prior learning and make comparisons between faiths studied.

The range of ways in which pupils’ characters are developed is inspirational. Leaders are determined that pupils should influence how the school is run.

 The deeply embedded vision of aspiring, flourishing and loving makes Ripon Cathedral School a transformational place to attend or work.


In February 2020 the school underwent a Section 8 Ofsted inspection.

The outcome of the inspection was that the school continues to be good.

We are delighted that the first comment from the inspector was that "Leaders and staff want the very best for their pupils." 

The inspection recognised many strengths of the school including our stimulating curriculum and our strong focus on personal and social development.

Leaders and staff have a clear picture of the values and personal qualities they want pupils to acquire.

Staff and pupils treat one another with care and respect.

Staff know their pupils well and are attentive to their individual needs.

Pupils experience a stimulating curriculum.

Parents appreciate the wide range of subjects and experiences on offer. They believe that their children do well because of the high expectations of teachers.

Leaders have effectively improved standards of reading. They have ensured that children receive a prompt start to phonics teaching in the early years. Pupils who need to catch up are receiving strong support to become fluent readers.

Leaders have developed a calm and respectful place for pupils to learn and achieve.

 Adults know and care for the children in the early years well. Children are happy and benefit from supportive relationships.

Leaders make sure that pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities access the full curriculum. Teachers provide support that allows pupils to learn well in many subjects.

Click here to read our latest report (February 2020)