Our Curriculum
At Ripon Cathedral School, we passionately believe that our children have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum of the school underpins all the learning that takes place and an engaging and inspirational curriculum fosters curiosity and a passion for learning so that children may develop into life-long learners.
Curriculum Pillars
Our five curriculum pillars help to drive our curriculum and ensure that children encounter a broad learning experience that helps them to think, explore and apply their learning and knowledge in the world in which they live.
Our curriculum:
- Is built upon our curriculum pillars
- Is ambitious for all pupils and develops a love of learning
- Provides all children with the opportunities to develop the knowledge and cultural capital needed to succeed
- Develops character, skills, critical thinking and leadership opportunities
- Encourages questioning, debate and exploration of moral and social issues
- Provides all children with the opportunity to communicate and interact with their peers and society
- Provides children with the chance to experience life beyond the classroom walls and be inspired
- Supports the implementation of our school’s vision – aspiring, flourishing, loving
We implement our curriculum by ensuring that :
- Our staff access training and support so that they have the relevant skills and knowledge to deliver the curriculum
- There is a focus on knowledge and progression with regular checks on learning and progress
- Knowledge and understanding is evaluated through on-going assessment
- Units of learning focus on strands and concepts that build on prior learning
- All aspects of study further pupils’ skills in reading.
We ensure that our curriculum has impact by:
- Regularly reviewing standards of achievement, using a range of information to support our evaluations
- Ensuring that there is a focus on high quality learning at age appropriate standards with opportunities for children to excel
- Ensuring that our most vulnerable learners are closely tracked and monitored so that they achieve well in relation to their starting points
- Promoting achievement and progress through our work with the wider community.
The video below shows how children have explored learning in a creative and purposeful way. They used their knowledge to create an animated film of the Great Fire of London. They worked alongside an animator who critiqued their work. The children wrote scripts, created music as well as developing presenting and computing skills - they learned key history knowledge along the way too!