Our School Day
Timings of the School Day
'Be on time at a quarter to nine'
08.45 Doors open ready to start learning, children are welcomed into class.
08.55 All children should be in school; doors are closed, registers taken.
10.15/10.30 Collective Worship
10.15/10.30 Playtime
11.45 - 12.15 Nursery and Reception Lunch
12.00 - 12.30 Year 1 Lunch / Year 2 Playtime
12.15-12.45 Year 3 and Year 5 Lunch / Reception, Year 4 and Year 6 Playtime
12.30-1.00 Year 2 Lunch / Year 1 Playtime
12.45-1.15 Year 4 and Year 6 Lunch / Year 3 and Year 5 Playtime
3.10 End of the school day - Reception and Key Stage 1
3.15 End of the school day - Key Stage 2
Total weekly time: EYFS & KS1 31.25 hours, KS2 31.66 hours
My child is ill, what should I do?
Parents and carers are required to inform the school if their child is absent and to explain the reason for the absence on or before the first day of absence. This can be done by phoning the school on 01765 602355 (where a message can be left, the office opens at 8am), by email to admin@riponcathedralschool.n-yorks.sch.uk, by the ScholarPack ParentApp or by leaving a written note at the school office. If the absence extends into a subsequent school day then the parent/carer must make renewed contact with the school to confirm continued illness or to advise the school of the expected date that the pupil will return to school. A written or emailed note is required from the parent or carer explaining the reason for the absence when or before the pupil returns to school.
Pupils who have suffered sickness, diarrhoea or a contagious infection must be free of symptoms for 48 hours before returning to school. Full information for when children should return to school following specific illnesses is detailed in the document here .
If we do not hear about an absence then we will call on the first day of absence by around 9.30am. This is to ensure the safety of our children.
For the safety of all our children, please keep us informed.